L-afemme is updated!
Do visit and special thanks to
Naqib for the L-afemme banner. It was a good job and the designs were really pretty!
So sch's opening on monday and i haven't even started on my homework! Not even touched. I'm so gna flunk my O's and retain(no, i can't retain), most probably take my O's again as a private candidate and flunk it again and again and the cycle repeats. Damn, clareeeeeEeEe wth are you doing with your life? But no worries cos you're not the only one who's wondering what i've done with MY LIFE!
Wed's outing with Shah, Joel and Amanda was great too! Like i hasn't meet up Amanda for ages but how to when we didn't even talk in school?!!! But i miss hanging out with her :( So pooled at paradiz and god, i swear i am really bad at pool! & Joel thought i was acting cute because i kept missing the bloody balls and i thought i looked really retard and dumb when i missed the ball repeatedly haha. Shah and Joel were the pros, their game ended like really fast?! But anyway, chatted in some cafe and i had ice chocolate and it tastes really good & i would like to have it NOW, AGAIN (impossible!) But on a brighter note, there's at least mango juice here, like better than nothing! Okay so we had a long chat and i do hope that we can hang out more often with my 8 year hairy buddy and Amanda! Everyone's like trying t bring us back again and i really appreciate all that you guyz did esp sol, shah and joel haha you guys really rockz man! Ok this post is getting really wordy and long so i thought it'll be best to end now cause my hand's worn out after all those typing. Ahahaha kay, wahtever byez!!!