Hi people, I'm like back to blogging cause i am really booorededed but wait, no ok whatever it is, i am back!!! Anyway, i just lost 10 bucks betting on Germany and G has really good players but god knows why G lost yesterday and my $10 just went down the drain! But it's ok cause Holland is a sure-win tomorrow! & i'm gna bet $20 on it cause it's a sure-win and it better be cos if not, i'm gna whine and complain abt my loss till september ends.
Okay pic credited to Naqib cause he's the only one who have the pics and he's not online now ,so i'll have to 'steal'(no, borrow) from him! But i credited you kay Naqib haha! And i like his pics cos they're really niceeeeey :)
& tues's picnic with Naqib, Huayao, Jon and Pearlyn - It was kinda cool because we didn't bring any mat or basket along and we'll just have to settle for some snacks at the bench. I thought we looked really pathetic but coooool! But then again, i miss outings with Naqibbbb, Huayao and Gabriel. And Gab was supposed to meet us too but couldn't make it cause he has tuition. Oh well but anyway, games in the bus was fun! Lol even though i had to turn ard and my neck ache like nobody's business. Had fun and fun and funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!