Cool shit. Awesomeness i tell ya. I'm still super duper hyper high even it's been hours since the whole show ended! Rock on peopleeeeeee!!! \m/
Sad part is when i didn't really get to morsh, like banging and stuffs. It's rather... violent i would say and libra people don't really enjoy violence(But sometimes there'll be exceptions too!) So yup, who carez about libra or zebra, i'll morsh like nobody's business and get rreeaallyy high the next time round which idk when it will be, but i'll be waiting waiting waiting! :}
& dinner at Mad Jack's was a great one cause we get to enjoy a 30% discount! Discounts, discounts and more discounts haha! Plus i get to decorate my very own oz brownie woooOOooOO~
Oh and prelims are coming really soon! Hope that i'll be able to clear ALL(maybe MOST) my subjects this time round 'cause flunking prelims - that will be the last thing i'll ever want to do.